Sunday, October 5, 2008

Blog topic for the week of October 2

I could not put a number on my times with her….. The countless long nights…. The countless days spent waiting on her arrival at night fall only to be lifted off of my feet with her grace and beauty. We spent most of our time together at night because I was afraid, afraid of how the light of day would expose my every flaw to her. Afraid that my friends would not accept her. But during our long nights we would explore each other’s minds through free flowing thoughts with great detail. Detail I could not seem to create on my own. We she was around I would become a new man, leaving the earth and all of its troubles behind. Only to come falling back down as I would wake to the bright morning sun sad and alone. Nothing left of her besides the strong sent of her perfume. It started out as a once a week thing and grew and grew until we spent every night together. It became hard for me to keep her from my friends and family, the lies I told seem to never end. I told lies on top of lies about what I did with all of my money and how I was always away on business. I found myself losing interest in all of my daily activities, I had to face the facts she was all I could think about and all I wanted.
As time passed I began to get sloppy with my system no longer did I clean up after her nightly visits. But this was not because she made me lazy or took all of my energy, but because I lied to everyone for so long I never had any visitors. That is until both my worlds collided back into one. It was a Friday night and she had arrived at her usually time and her perfume seem to be even stronger than usual and we seemed to drift farther away from reality than any other night. There was a sudden knock on the door. I answered it with the hopes that our nightly food deliveries had arrived. As I flung the door open still dazed from my first experience of the night with her and what seemed to be the last of my pay check in my hand I was shocked to see my best friend who is also a co-worker’s puzzled face. He came to bring me the reports I would need for Monday’s quarterly meeting. I stood in the door way in a state of shock. With her loud scent on clothes and the truth written on my face I had no choice but to confess. I opened the door and introduced him to my girl friend London who works 12 hour shifts during the day and spends her night with me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"With her loud scent on clothes and the truth written on my face I had no choice but to confess. " - Love it! Good job!